Monday, January 16, 2012

winter: montessori style

Well there hasn't been many signs of winter around here... despite the inconsistent cold weather. I've been dreaming, hoping, and praying for some snow!! It's so pretty and peaceful....and being a teacher- I get the added bonus of snow days :-)

Even though it's not snowing outside- it certainly is snowing inside...our classroom that is...

Make your own snowman
 white paper with 3 different size circles/ basket with black hole punched circles, scraps of brown, black, red, and orange paper (for the child to cut out his/her snowman accessories).

Snowflake cutting 
 the children fold the square paper in fourths and cut out shapes to create these...

Painting with evergreens
 blue construction paper cut in half, white paint, and a variety of evergreen stems. The children dip the evergreen into the white paint and dot on paper. The final results look like snowflakes!

Drawing your own snowflake
 the children follow the sequence steps on how to draw a snowflake, then paint glue onto their lines, and sprinkle with snow (it's really sugar- but looks just like snow!)

Counting snowflakes
snowflake matching
I made this work using different snowflakes (found them online: made 1 large copy and 1 tiny copy of each), construction paper, and a laminater. The children use the magnifying glass to look at the tiny snowflakes and match them with the identical large snowflake.

Hopefully with all this 'snow' talk we will finally get some!

Oh and Happy Birthday Dr. MLK!

Have a great week <3


  1. Great ideas! I love winter themed activities!


  2. Great work! It gives me lots of ideas.
    What site did you find different snowflakes (for use with a magnifying glass)?
    Thank you, good day :)

  3. I love the magnifying snowflakes activities and I know my kinder-bears will, too. Thank you.

  4. The snowflake picture-to-picture matching is a great work. I remember it from the "My Montessori Journey" blog. If you search, "Snowflake Bentley", you can find beautiful photographs!

  5. Is there a link for the snowflake magnifying activity? My kiddos would love this!

  6. Nice, but Montessori would‘nt bee happy🙈
    Snowflakes have only 6 „ legs.....❄️

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